Name: Chizuru Kagura - Heaven's Appointed Guardian Concept: Temple Guardian Style: Ancient style of Kagura (Mystical form of Crane? Kung Fu) Signature: Pauses to pull hair back, "It's not over yet" Quote: Play time is over, you can't lay a finger on me. Quote2: Those with reasons to live have the true power to win |
![]() |
Strength Dexterity Stamina |
Charisma Manip Appearance |
Perception Inteligence Wits |
HP: 20
WP: 10 Chi: 10 Recovery: 10 Honor: 10 Glory: 1 |
Guardian Clan- 5 Backing- 1 Allies- King, Mai Enemy- Goeneitz Enemy- Orochi Characters _______________ _______________ |
Kick Block Grab Athletics Focus _________ _________ |
(N*)202nd Duplicate Revival(P (N*) Dashing Punch(P) (N*) Dragon Punch(P) Dim Mak(P) Ducking Fierce(P) Power Uppercutt(P) (N) Unrevived Gong(P) Foot Sweep(K) Slide Kick(K) (N) Spinning Back Kick(K) Stepping Front Kick(K) Throw(G) Energy Reflection(B) Jump(A) (S) Zero Technique(P) (S*) 3 Rattling Winds Battle Formation(P) |
+1 +0 +0 +0 -1 -1 +0 -2 -1 -1 +0 -2 +1 +3 -1 -1 |
+1 +4 +6 +0 +4 +3 +2 +3 +3 +4 +1(x2) +2 NONE NONE +7 -1(xM) |
+1 +2 -1 +0 NONE One -2 -2 +1 One +1 One NONE +0 +0 +4 |
1WP, A, PD, SL 1WP, SL 1WP, A, PD, KB 1Chi, -1 Str, Dex, or Sta AKD ignores Blocks KD SL, KD RKB 1WP, 'Unrevived Treasury' Thrown 4 Hexes, KD 1Chi/fireball reflected A, PD 1 SUPER, KD, -1Str, Dex, or Sta 1 SUPER, SL |
(*) When performing this Maneuver, Chizuru may create a duplicate of herself for the cost of one additional Chi. One of the Chizurus then attacks her opponent as per the maneuver, while the other one stands still. When the maneuver is completed, the duplicate disapears, leaving the real Chizuru either standing in the hex where she started the round (if the duplicate attacked), or in the hex she landed in upon finishing the maneuver (if she attacked). It is important to note that the duplicate does full normal damage if it attacks. Hitting the real Chizuru will dispell the duplicate instantly, but hitting the duplicate has no effect on Chizuru.
Dashing Punch to Unrevived Gong to Slide Kick (D)
Slide Kick to Dragon Punch
Dashing Punch to Dragon Punch (D)
Jumping Jab to Slide Kick to Spinning Back Kick (D)
Chizuru actually has one of the coolest stories in the KoF world (IMHO). She's charged with guarding the ultimate evil, Goenitz. Goenitz is the boss of KoF96, & he's powered by Orochi Blood. He was imprisoned for 1800 years before finally escaping. Rugal (Boss KoF94/95/98) was siphoning Orochi Power out of the prison & using it to make himself a more powerful fighter, the end result being that it weakened the prison enough to allow Goenitz to esacpe.
Okay, so back to Chizuru. At the end of of KoF96, she asks you to help her defeat Goenitz, but only if you're stong enough to beat her first. Assuming you do, you then get to fight Goenitz, who I've been told is the cheeziest boss SNK has ever unleashed on the world. (I can't say, I never played KoF96, but I find it hard to believe he's worse than Zeus from World Heros...) Anyway, After putting Goenitz away again, Chizuru finally has some spare time on her hands, and what better way to stay in practice than by entering the KoF series. And since Team England (King & Mai) has had an opening ever since Yuri left (to go fill in for her father on the Sakazaki Team), she's now the third fighter on team England. Cool eh?