Thunder Road
Last Update 12/3/98
Vehicle Construction
An '*' by the price indicates the item may only be bought once per vehicle.
Body Types (Vehicles do not come with an engine)
$5,000 Motorcycle 'Chassis' - Armor Value 1, +1 move, -2 to all ramming/shoving contests,
+1 'dodge' vs. all attacks. Motorcycles may not buy turbine engines.
$10,000 Rolling Chassis - Armor Value 3
$15,000 Treaded Chassis - Armor Value 3, +1 Bonus to all ramming/shoving contests, -1 Bonus to
all offroad drive rolls. Max road bonus die value is 2 (treat 3s & 4s as 2s)
$25,000 Hover-craft Chassis - Armor Value 3, +1 move, -1 to all ramming/shoving contests
$45,000 Flying Chassis - Armor Value 2, No Road Bonus, Can move in all directions,
-2 to all ramming/shoving contests, +2 'dodge' vs. all attacks
Engine Types (You may only buy one engine per vehicle)
$5,000 4-Cylinder Engine: Movement 1d6-1
$10,000 6-Cylinder Engine: Movement 1d6
$25,000 8-Cylinder Engine: Movement 1d6+1
$55,000 12-Cylinder Engine: Movement 1d6+2
$85,000 Small Turbine: Movement 1d6+Special*
$155,000 Large Turbine: Movement 1d6+1+Special*
Special*: Whenever the road bonus die is used for moving the vehicle, the road bonus die's value is doubled. This includes power-ups, such as Nitro boosters. Since Flying vehicles don't normally get to use the road bonus die, they instead may add in the road bonus die for movement (once, not doubled) when they are charging.
Standard Weaponry (Vehicles may only have one standard weapon)
$5,000 Hand Weaponry - Can attack any vehicle in the square the vehicle occupies.
$10,000 Basic Vehicle Weaponry - Can attack any vehicle in the square the vehicle occupies,
plus the 3 adjacent squares in a 180 degree arc in front of you.
$20,000 Turrent Mounted Weaponry- Can attack any vehicle in the square the vehicle occupies,
plus all 6 squares adjacent to your vehicle.
Armor (You may not mix & match different armor types, unless one of the two types is Mercuirium)
$2,500 Iron Plating: +1 Armor, -1 movement for every point of Iron Plating.
$7,500 Balistic Plating: +1 Armor, -1 bonus to all drive rolls for every 4 points, -1 movement for
every two points of Balistic Armor. (1 point doesn't slow you down, two does)
$20,000 Titanium-Alloy: +1 Armor, -1 bonus to all drive rolls for every 2 points, -1 movement for
every four points of Titanium Alloy. (3 points doesn't slow you down, four does)
$50,000 Mercurium Armor: +1 Armor, -1 bonus to drive rolls. (What is this stuff? You apply it
with a paintbrush. It dries lighter than air, & stronger than steel. And why is the government after it so badly if "it doesn't exist"? Oh, and on the plus side, it looks really shiny too!)
Special Weapons & Power-ups
$10,000 Large Sharp Object (1 use)
$10,000 Rocket (1 use)
$10,000 Heat-Sinking missile
$10,000 Anti-Air Artillery
$10,000* Jump Jets (rolling vehicles & hover-craft only)
$10,000 Flame Thrower (2 uses)
$15,000 Ice Beam(1 use)
$15,000 Larger Caliber Standard Weapon: +1 damage to standard weapon ONLY
$15,000 Nitrous Booster (2 uses)
$10,000* Crack Driver: -1 bonus to all drive rolls, +1 bonus during all ramming/shoving contests
$10,000* Spiked Armor: +1 bonus during all ramming/shoving rolls. May not be combined with
Powered Assault Armor.
$25,000* Powered Assault Armor: +2 bonus during all ramming/shoving rolls. May not be
combined with Spiked Armor.
$5,000 Offroad Performance Package: -1 bonus to all offroad drive rolls. Maybe not be combined
with the Onroad performance package. Motorcycles, Rolling & Treaded Vehicles Only.
$5,000 Onroad Performance Package: -1 bonus to all onroad drive rolls. Maybe not be combined
with the Offroad performance package. Motorcycles, Rolling & Treaded Vehicles Only.
$10,000* Vehicle Performance Package: -1 bonus to all drive rolls.
$12,500 Hover-craft Performance Package: -1 bonus to all drive rolls.
$7,500* Knobby Tires: +1 movement when Offroad. Use this ability whenever the vehicle begins its
movement phase on an Offroad square. May not be combined with Slick tires. Motorcycles & Rolling vehicles only.
$12,500* Slick Tires: +1 movement when Onroad. Use this ability whenever the vehicle begins its
movement phase on a road square. May not be combined with Knobby tires. Motorcycles & Rolling vehicles only.
$2,500 Emergency Brake(Non-Flyers): Let's you do special maneuvers 'Stop' and '180o'.
$7,500 Pneumatic Brakes(Non-Flyers): Everything Emergency Brakes do, plus you are no longer
required to use your full movement.
Finalize your vehicle: Okay, now that you've spent your cash, you need to determine three vital stats: Movement, Armor Value, & Drive Value. Movement is pretty easy. Take the movement listed for your engine type, & add in any modifiers you get for armor, tires, vehicle type, etc. Don't forget to separate your movement into on-road & off-road if they are different values. Next is armor. Take whatever your basic vehicle's armor rating is, and add whatever armor bonus you gained from adding armor. If you're playing w/ special armor types (spiked armor) don't forget to note that. Last is the Drive roll. This one's kinda confusing. The original purpose was to give lighter vehicles higher manueverability. Since armor is the biggest weight factor for these cars, your drive roll is based on your armor value. However, when we added in all these lightweight armors, well, it got pretty confusing. And, rather than add in a buncha charts where you'd have to go & cross reference your vehicle weight vs. movement vs. shoe size, we just gave the lighter armor a drive bonus. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but the end result is the same: a light vehicle has an easier drive roll than a heavy vehicle. A-way, the Drive Value is your armor value, +/- whatever bonuses you have from armor, performance packages, etc. Low is good, high is bad.
$2,500 Bargin Bin
$2,500 Iron Plating -See above(Armor)
$2,500 Emergency Brake - See above(Movement)
$2,500* Snow Plow: +1 vs. ramming thru wrecks.
$2,500(1-shot) Small box o'nails: Works just like the Large Sharp Object, only the defender gets a -2 bonus
to both drive rolls.
$2,500(1-shot) Smokescreen: Hits the 3 squares directly behind the vehicle. Any drive rolls made in the
smokescreen are at +1 difficulty.
$2,500(1-shot) Oil Slick: Hits the last square the vehicle passed thru. Any wheeled vehicle leaving this
square must make a drive roll if they do not go perfectly straight forward. Treaded vehicles do the same, only with a -1 bonus to the drive roll.
$2,500(1-shot) Molotov Cocktail: Hits any 1 of the 3 adjacent squares behind the vehicle. Note: the model
used must be a convertible to hit the square directly behind the vehicle. Any vehicle that stops (or is currently stopped) in that square is hit. The attacker declares a number, then rolls a 1d6. If the result is the number he called, that vehicle is wrecked. At the beginning of the attackers next movement phase, the Molotov Cocktail goes away. If a vehicle wrecks with a Molotov Cocktail, all Molotovs are used. In Rally play, the driver death check is increased by +1 for every Molotov lost in this way.
$2,500 De-Icing System: +1 Bonus vs. any Cold-based attacks.
$2,500 Oversized Radiator: +1 Bonus vs. any Fire-based attacks.
$2,500 Stealth Mod: Immune to Radar Guns, +1 bonus vs. any heat-seeking attacks.
$2,500*! (1-shot) Premium Gas: Once per game, you may roll an extra movement die. You may still only
assign one movement die per vehicle, you just get an extra one to choose from.
Limit one per team.
$2,500* Lucky Rabbit's Foot: If this vehicle flips the board, add a +1 bonus to the power-up roll.
If 5 power-ups are placed, place the last one where you wish (on the new board).
$2,500 Tinted Windows: You don't have to reveal anything about that vehicle's driver unless he is
using an ability.
$2,500* Ejector Seat: Your driver escapes the wreck unharmed.
$2,500 Hot paint job: Comes with or without the racing stripe. Your choice!
$2,500 Plush Carpet: You want it on the ceiling too? No problem!
$2,500 All Leather Interior: Now you can kill & look good doing it.
$2,500 Kickin' Stereo: So long as the vehicle runs, the player who owns this vehicle may choose
whatever music he wants to listen to, & play it for everyone else. If more than one person has a Kickin' Stereo, the vehicle in front gets to choose the house music.
$2,500 Musical Horn: So long as the vehicle runs, you can hum, over & over, the 1st 15 beats of any
one song you wish. No one is allowed to stop you from doing this.